
Cushway*, K., Geist, J., Schwalb, A.N. 2024. Surviving global change: A review on the impact of drought on freshwater mussels. Biological Reviews.

Perez Rocha, M., Cottenie, K., Clein, K., Elkins, L., Mangold, R., Nowlin, W., Perkin, J., Wright, K.; Schwalb, A. N. 2024. Using a nested sampling design across spatial scales to gain insights into distribution patterns of fishes, mussels, and macroinvertebrates in a riverine system. Journal of Biogeography.

Hillebrand*, V., Dobler, A.H., Schwalb, A.N., Geist, J. 2024. Physiological effects of interacting native and invasive bivalves under thermal stress. Biological Invasions.

Winemiller, K.O., Perkin, J. S., Trungale, J.F., Hoeinghaus, D.J., Moore, G., Schwalb, A.N., Mitchell, Z. A., Trimble, A., Reeves, C., Acre, M.R., Wheeler, K., Hardy, T.B., Buzan D. 2024. Advancing Environmental Flows Science: Monitoring, Hindcasting and Forecasting Flow-Ecology Relationships. Fisheries

Cushway, K. C., Harris, A. E., Piercy, C. D., Mitchell, Z. A., and A. N. Schwalb. 2024. Go with the flow: impacts of high and low flow conditions on freshwater mussel assemblages and distribution. PLoS ONE 19(2): e0296861.

Cushway, K. C., and A. N. Schwalb. 2023. When rivers run dry: perennial pools as ecological refuges for freshwater mussels during drought. Freshwater Biology

Mitchell, Z., Cottenie, K., Schwalb, A.N. 2023. Trait-based and multi-scale approach provides insight on responses of freshwater mussels to environmental heterogeneity. Ecosphere, 14, e4533

Perez Rocha, M., Morris, T. J., Cottenie, K., Schwalb, A. N. 2023. Limitations of beta diversity in conservation site selection. Ecological Indicators154, 110732.

Atkinson, C. L., Hooper, G. W., Kreeger, D. A., Lopez, J., Maine, A. N., Schwalb, A. N., Vaughn, C. C. 2023. Gains and gaps in knowledge surrounding freshwater mollusk ecosystem services. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 26: 20-31.

Rodriguez, D.  Harding, S. F., Sirsi, S., McNichols, K., Morris, T., Forstner, M. R. J., Schwalb, A. N. 2023. Mitochondrial sequence data reveal population structure within Pustolosa pustulosa. PeerJ 11:e15974

Schwalb, A. N., Swearingen, D, Robertson, J., Locklin, J., Moore, J., McGarrity, M. 2022. Living on the edge. Thermal limitations of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in Central Texas. Biological Invasions [Link to paper]

Beason, E., Schwalb, A. N. 2022. Impact of zebra mussels on physiological conditions of unionid mussels in Texas. Aquatic Sciences 84, 21. [Link to paper]

Tarter, A. A., Ford, D., Symonds, D.E., Ford, N.B., Schwalb, A. N. 2022. Impact of extreme climatic events on unionid mussels in a subtropical river basin. Hydrobiologia. [Link to paper]

Hernández, B. A., Mitchell, Z. A., Robertson, C. R., and A. N. Schwalb. 2021. Burrowing behavior of unionid mussels in subtropical rivers:  Implications for survey guidelines. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31, 903-915 [Link to journal]

Trombley, C. A., Schwalb, A. N., Hardy, T. B., Cottenie, K. 2021. Spatio-temporal
analyses show conflicting evidence of the role of an invasive minnow in the decline of an endangered desert fish endemic to the south-western U.S.A.. Freshwater Biology, 00, 1–12. [Link to journal]

Mitchell, Z., and A. N. Schwalb  2021. Seasonality of gamete production of Cyclonaias species in central Texas. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation, 24, 7-17. [Link to paper]

Robertson, J., Swannack, T. M., McGarrity, M., and A. N. Schwalb. 2020. Zebra mussel invasion of Texas Lakes: Estimating dispersal potential via boats. Biological Invasions, 22, 3425–3455. [Link to journal]

Mitchell, Z., Burlakova, L. E., Karatayey, and A. N. Schwalb. 2019. Changes in community composition of  riverine mussels after a severe drought depend on local conditions: A comparative study in four tributaries of a subtropical river.  Hydrobiologia [Link to journal]

Sanchez, B., and A. N. Schwalb. 2019. Detectability affects the performance of survey methods: A comparison of sampling methods of freshwater mussels in Central Texas. Hydrobiologia. [Link to journal]

Seagroves,L.A., Barnhart, M.C., Hardy, T., and A. N. Schwalb. 2019. Reproductive ecology of the threatened and endemic freshwater mussel Lampsilis bracteata. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29,1216-1226. [Link to paper]

Zawalski, R., Nowlin W.H., Cottenie, K., Grubh, A., and A. N. Schwalb. 2019. Distinctive macroinvertebrate communities in a subtropical river network. Freshwater Ecology 34:135-150 [Link to open access]

Strayer, D. L., Adamovich, B. V., Schwalb, A.N. (21/24 in alphabetical order), Steinman, A. D., Jeschke, J. M. 2019. Long-term population dynamics of dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis): a cross-system analysis. Ecosphere 10(4):e02701. 10.1002/ecs2.2701 [Link to open access]

Mitchell, Z. A., J. McGuire, J. Abel, B. A. Hernandez, and A. N. Schwalb. 2018. Move on or take the heat: Can life history strategies of freshwater mussels predict their physiological and behavioural responses to drought and dewatering? Freshwater Biology DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13187 [Link to journal]

Olson, J., J. Robertson, T. M. Swannack, R. F. McMahon, W. H. Nowlin, and A. N. Schwalb. 2018. Dispersal of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) downstream of an invaded reservoir. Aquatic Invasions 13:199-209. [Link to open access]

Trombley, C. A., T. B. Hardy, and A. N. Schwalb. 2018. Disturbance-driven changes in fish assemblages caused by a sudden increase in salinity in a perennial desert stream. . Environmental Biology of Fishes 101:791-798. [Link to journal]

Dascher, E., L. E. Burlakova, A. Y. Karatayey, D. Ford, and A. N.  Schwalb. 2018. Distribution of unionid freshwater mussels and host fishes in Texas. A study of broad scale spatial patterns across basins and a strong climate gradient. Hydrobiologia, 810, 315-331. [Link to journal]

Schwalb, A. N., T.J. Morris, and K. Cottenie. 2015. Dispersal abilities of riverine freshwater mussels influence metacommunity structure. Freshwater Biology 60: 911-921.

Schwalb, A.N., A.C. Alexander, A.J. Paul, K. Cottenie, and J.B. Rasmussen 2015. Changes in migratory fish communities and their health, hydrology, and water chemistry in rivers of the Athabasca oil sands region: A review of historical and current data. Environmental Reviews 23:1-18. [Link to open access]

Schwalb, A.N., D. Bouffard, L. Boegman, L. Leon, J. G. Winter, L. Molot, and R.E.H. 2015. 3D modeling of dreissenid mussel impacts on phytoplankton in a large lake supports the nearshore shunt hypothesis and the importance of wind-driven hydrodynamics. Aquatic Sciences 77:95-114.

Schwalb, A.N., T.J. Morris, N.E. Mandrak, and K. Cottenie. 2013. Distribution of unionid freshwater mussels depends on the distribution of host fish on a regional scale. Diversity and Distributions 19: 446-454. [pdf]

Schwalb, A.N., D. Bouffard, T. Ozersky, L. Boegman, and R.E.H. Smith. 2013. Impacts of hydrodynamics and benthic communities on phytoplankton distributions in a large, dreissenid-colonized lake (Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada). Inland Waters 3: 269-284.[pdf]

North, R.L., D. Barton, A.S. Crowe…A.N. Schwalb (27/32 in alphabetical order)… J.D. Young. 2013. The state of Lake Simcoe (Ontario, Canada): the effects of multiple stressors on phosphorus and oxygen dynamics. Inland Waters 3: 51-74.[pdf]

Schwalb, A.N., T.J. Morris, and J.D. Ackerman. 2012. The effect of settling velocity on the transport of mussel larvae in a cobble-bed river: Water column and near-bed turbulence. Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments 2: 28-40. [pdf]

Schwalb, A. N., and J.D. Ackerman. 2011. Settling velocities of juvenile Lampsilini mussels (Mollusca: Unionidae): The influence of behavior. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30:702-709. [pdf]

Schwalb, A.N., M.S. Poos, K. Cottenie, and J.D. Ackerman. 2011. Dispersal limitation of unionid mussels and implications for their conservation. Freshwater Biology 56:1509-1518. [pdf]

Schwalb, A.N., M.S. Poos, and J.D. Ackerman. 2011. Movement of logperch: Implications for dispersal of endangered snuffbox mussels via its obligate host fish. Aquatic Sciences 73:223-231. [pdf]

Schwalb, A.N., M. Garvie, and J.D. Ackerman. 2010. Dispersion of freshwater mussel larvae in a lowland river. Limnology and Oceanography 55:628-638. [pdf]

Poos, M.S., A.J. Dextrase, A.N. Schwalb, and J.D. Ackerman. 2010. Secondary invasion of the round goby into high diversity Great Lakes tributaries and species at risk hotspots: potential new concerns for endangered freshwater species. Biological Invasions 12: 1269-1284. [pdf]

Fudge, D.S., L.J. Szewciw, and A.N. Schwalb. 2009. Morphology and Development of Blue Whale Baleen: An Annotated Translation of Tycho Tullberg’s Classic 1883 Paper. Aquatic Mammals 35: 226-252. [pdf]

Gillis, P.L., R.J. Mitchell, A.N. Schwalb, G.L. Mackie, C.M. Wood, and J.D. Ackerman. 2008. Sensitivity of the glochidia (larvae) of freshwater mussels to copper: Assessing the effect of water hardness and dissolved organic carbon on the sensitivity of endangered species. Aquatic Toxicology 88: 137-145.[pdf]

Schwalb, A.N., and M.T. Pusch. 2007. Horizontal and vertical movements of unionid mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in a lowland river. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26: 261-272. [pdf]

Stirk, W.A., A.N. Schwalb, M.E. Light, J. Medkova, R. Lenobel, M. Strnad and J. van Staden 2003. Potential Medicinal Value of Some South African Seaweeds. SouthAfrican Journal of Botany 69: 462-268.